Thursday, August 30, 2012

Fifth Trip -- July 2011 -- Kimmswick, MS and Indianapolis, IN

I don't remember why the show was on, but when I arrived at Jon's parents house a series called 'Road Tasted' was on.  It was showcasing American favorites like Hamburgers, Mac & Cheese, and Apple Pie from around all states.  The pie part of the show came on which featured a massive apple pie called Mile High Levy Pie.  They go on to describe the careful preparation of the pie and how it came to have that name.  The restaurant was called the Blue Owl and is in a town 20 minutes south of St. Louis called Kimmswick.  Population for the town of Kimmswick....92. 

The pie was named "mile high levy pie" since the town sits on the Mississippi River and was almost swept away in a huge flood that hit the area.  The townspeople built a huge levy to keep the water out and saved the town.  In honor of that event, the Blue Owl made this apple pie.  They carefully hand place each slice of apple inside the homemade crust and put a large pat of butter on top of the pile before putting the top crust on.  Once baked, the apples shrink down, but the outside crust stays the height it was.  They cover the crust in caramel and nuts to mimic the levy.

Jon instantly turns to me and says we have to go get that pie. 

Restaurants pictures of pie
We get on the computer less than 10 minutes after seeing the show, and plan out a weekend trip to St. Louis, Kimmswick, and Indianapolis since it was on the way home.
We left after work on a Friday, and drove straight down to St. Louis (9.5 hours ish).  We arrived around 2:00 a.m. (lost an hour with the time change), and slept until 7:00 a.m.  We had planned to do the touristy St. Louis things first before heading to get breakfast and pie at the Blue Owl.  We visited the Arch on Saturday morning and drove around the city before heading to the restaurant. 
I laid down on the ground to take this picture!

Don't push it over!!!

Peeking down from atop the Arch.

We are high up!!!

We headed out of the city and drove to Kimmswick.  As we were driving through 'town' (.5 mile road), we saw a year round Christmas store...I was excited! 

And there was a SALE!! Jon agreed we were super lucky to be down there on that day. haha ;)

Then we came to the Blue Owl.  Very pretty building, delicious food, amazing pie.  That about sums it up! 

Jon and I had breakfast, which included blueberry pancakes, sausage gravy and biscuits, cheesy scrambled eggs, and chicken friend steak with sawmill sausage gravy.  SOOO good.

Then we decided to split a piece of the apple pie.

This was half of a piece of pie and it still still huge and we both took half of this piece home!

We decided that we wanted to share our adventure with people back home, so we ordered a full pie to take home with us.  This was the first trip where we brought food back home to share with Jon's parents and friends who would come over when we got home.  The restaurant actually ships the pies all the time and already had a pie made and boxed up for us to take home (cooler and ice were used)!

First cut of the pie at Jon's parents house!

We leave Kimmswick and head on our way home, stopping in Indianapolis, IN to visit more Food Network places!  Triple D's Guy Fieri had gone to a place called Jersey's cafe (in Carmel, IN), which specialized in huge sandwiches made by a couple who had moved there from Jersey.  The food was fantastic, and we'd love to go back with friends...anyone interested?!  :)

 These were our appetizer, homemade chips with sweet BBQ sauce, three type of shredded cheese, crumbled bacon, and homemade ranch dressing for dipping. bad but so good!  These were featured on the Triple D episode we had watched.

 Jon got a chicken 'philly' sub with cheese, ranch, bacon, and lettuce on a sub bun.  Side of deliciouso potato salad.

 I got the Famous Wildwood Cheese Steak "Fieri Approved", with handmade meatballs, red sauce, crumbled bleu cheese, provolone, and spices.  SOO good.

We had enough food for 10 people it seemed!

We stayed overnight in Indianapolis, with high hopes of having an adventurous Saturday night in the city.  However, I was exhausted and ended up falling asleep early!  We drove home the next day and presented the pie to Jon's parents and had some friends over to try it!

At home with the pie!  It made it in one piece all the way home!

Jon - "it's as big as my head"

Overall, awesome trip!  Food, company, and mini weekend vacation were perfect.  Never thought I'd be in the St. Louis Arch!  Now how do we top this ;)

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